Flying Off the Handle
Ever wonder what you should do when you seem to “fly off the handle” for no apparent reason? Take a look at this article for some helpful tips.
Ever wonder what you should do when you seem to “fly off the handle” for no apparent reason? Take a look at this article for some helpful tips.
Question about family abuse I emailed you in May about my sister being in an abusive situation and how it was bothering our family(my mom, brother and me) when my father died in Feb. My…
Here is an email from a member who stuggles in dealing with a parent with uncontrollable anger. Read about their issue and how to deal with the situation in a loving way.
What impact do expectations have on anger and frustration in our lives?
In this article we offer advice to a reader who grew up in a violent home and now suffers with anger problems.
Take the What’s Good About Anger Anger Management Survery and see where you rank
1-800-848-Love Considering Abortion? Crisis Pregnancy Centers (hotlines & resource site) International Pregnancy Centers listing Oak Park, IL. 715 W. Lake St., #104; 1-708-383-4999
Why do we get so mad over things that don’t really matter, like getting cut off in traffic by someone who’s in too much of a hurry?
Al-Anon/Al-ATeen Alcoholics Anonymous Alcoholics Victorious: 1-800-624-5156 Alcoholics for Christ: 1-800-441-7877 Email: Alcohol hotline: 1-800-ALC-OHOL Alcohol & Drug helpline: 1-800-821-Help Cocaine helpline: 1-800-COC-AINE His Mansion: 1-603-464-5555 (for youth) National Association for Christian Recovery Overcomers…
This article take a look at how to handle a manipulative lover.