November 2014

Understanding ADHD

Is ADHD truly a Medical Problem? Question: Seems like there are a lot of kids out there who are be diagnosed with ADHD or ADD. Is this truly a medical problem, or does it stem…

Christian Counseling: What is it?

Foundation of Christian Counseling Question #1: Is Christian counseling biblical? How do you integrate Christianity and psychology? Counseling has its roots of origin in the Bible. Just take a look at the following scriptures: Plans fail…

Hurtful Words Damage Relationship

Can Spouse Trust Again? Question: I recently came across your reply about Marriage: Waiting for a Miracle in my Marriage. This situations parallels mine in very many ways. How do you get your husband or…

What is a Cult?

The Difference between Cults and Christianity Definitions of Cults: Alan Gomes writes: “A cult of Christianity is a group of people, which claiming to be Christian, embraces a particular doctrine system taught by an individual…

Alone in My Marriage

What to Do About Marriage Question: Hello, I have no idea if you can even help me. I’m not even sure where to begin. I have been with my husband for just about 23 years…